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•   William D Carlson  10/14
•   Janet Hom (Biermann)  9/12
•   Martha Kiefer  9/7
•   Victoria Brown (Crawford)  9/2
•   Cynthia Salmond (Class Secretary) (Hogeman)  8/30
•   Greg Friedman  8/26
•   M Elizabeth Jones (Jones-Dern)  8/24
•   Lynne Vogel (Baronoff)  8/20
•   Judy R. Sheintal  7/23
•   Paul L. Farrell  7/23
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•   Petersen Jaegerman  2023
•   Joseph S. Deebo  2020
•   Janet Millenson  2024
•   Simeon M Kriesberg  2024
•   Duane Erickson  2024
•   Ross A. White  2021
•   Laura Goldin  2023
•   Debra Aanenson (Pyers)  2022
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•   Gail Bronson  10/22
•   Simon J. Dolin  10/22
•   Roger E. Stevens  10/25
•   Philomena L. Green (Morsell)  10/27
•   Peter Winkler  10/31
•   James Miller  11/1
•   Claudine Pfeiffer (Cremer)  11/3
•   Alanson Anderson  11/6
•   Stephen Cole  11/6
•   John Ray Hoke Jr  11/6
•   Sandy Isaacson (Mudrick)  11/9
•   Andjali E. Prahasto  11/11
•   Douglas G. "Doug" Henry  11/13
•   Leonard Cecil (Cecil)  11/14
•   Karl Riemer  11/14
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60R 2029 Party Animals


After the surprise abdication by Lisa Johnston Howorth as President-for-Life (a position bestowed upon her by past Reunion Committees) and her awarding me the title, I had an opportunity to note some well-deserved recognitions of the hard-working members of the Reunion Committee and make a few reflections. Here is a more complete version.


I am grateful for the support of the following, all of whom made our two Reunion events successful …

  • Ellen Turner … my wife, my partner in life’s journey, my moral compass … Montgomery Blair High School Class of 1973 … Thank you for pushing me into action and – more importantly – for coordinating with the venues
  • Susan Sharp … recommending the reunion venue, providing wise counsel
  • Scott McCarthy … name tags, continuing support and wise counsel
  • John Hoke … our Vebmaster …  combination Class of 1969 booster, IT department, editor, marketer
  • Kevin Bronfin … who arranged for the EventBrite option for payment … more that 10% of the payment were made this way
  • Greg Friedman … who made me a big fan of community banks. After not being able to establish a checking account in the name of the class at a certain national bank, Greg came through with Capital Bank of Maryland.
  • Lisa Johnston Howorth… our former “President for Life” … for suggestions and her energizing cover note to our fall survey
  • Dawn Perusse and Milt Heard (Ellen’s and my live music and dining companions) … early discussion of options and organizing our check-in volunteers
  • Our check-in volunteers … (raise your hands) … Jean Phelps Rastall, Barbara Sweetser Frederick, Veronica Bailey, Diane Burnside Gaede, Susan Moxley Sanford, Betty Forrest Robinson, Lisa Johnston Howorth, Carol Kaufman Kupperberg, and James Orsinger

If I forgot anyone, my humble apologies.

How This All Happened

As we began thinking about this event, I felt it was important to seek out your insights. So we issued a survey back in the fall of 2018. 190 classmates began the survey and about 125 completed it. Your responses provided important direction about preferred type of events, the time of year, day of week, and time of day, and – most importantly – the food.

Thank you for the insights you provided in your responses. Much of how our two reunion events were structured was based on your preferences.


I was corresponding with Keith Morgan, who many of you recall for both his SGA and acting talents. Reflecting on where life took him, he was particularly poignant in his reflection on his experience at Walt Whitman, summing it up as providing a “solid launch”. I suspect many of us feel the same way.

I continue to believe that for each of us, our personal growth in high school was the result of our parents, our teachers, and our classmates. We all energized each other; we challenged each other; we studied hard and had fun together. What magic it was that we all came together in that place and at that time.

I continue to be intrigued about how it all happened. Attending Walt Whitman was generally not OUR choice, but our parents’. I would love to read more about how your family came to be located in the neighborhoods surrounding Walt Whitman. Several of you responded to the email asking you to post those stories; they are very interesting. Please send more.

Finally, overjoyed as we are in seeing one another here, we all reflect on classmates who have passed – some quite recently – but their memory lives on.

Moving On

Having been involved in initiating, organizing, and closing out the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, and now 50th reunions, Ellen tells me that enough is enough. Next time around, someone else will need to step up. Don’t be shy. (It’s not all that hard if you recruit a strong Committee.)

So this is my last time addressing you all as group. Come to think of it, it is my first time. I feel like I am getting all my high school extracurricular activities done now, 50 years after the fact. This should be useful if I ever apply to college again. Perhaps I’ll be hitting up one of you for recommendations.

Finally, the website is paid for through 2029. Please keep it a living, breathing record of the lives and times of the Walt Whitman Class of 1969.

Thank you

My 50th Reunion Experience in Detail:  John Hoke WWVebMaster

What a wonderful reunion we had. I am so grateful of the many people who attended this important event. I enjoyed all the hugs and kisses, too. 

BTW--I hope you will consider buying one of Jim Monday's tribute posters to hang in your home or office. I can assure you it will put a smile on your face every day. I guess by now you know I do have a favorite--but of course it is of your humble WWVebMaster. Good job Jim!

And finally after almost 50 years apart I was reunited with my best friend Bob Page. He drove all the way from Fairbanks Alaska with his wife Lynda and thier dog.

Please add your 50th Reunion Experience on your profile.

Friday = 82 

Saturday = 150 (125 classmates)

The first 50R picture

Bradley Elementary thru Walt Whitman

(Where are your pictures? Post your reunion photos on the ‘50th Reunion Photos’ page .)

Wishing all of my fellow Whitmanites a joyful fun-filled 50th Reunion. As a former would-be member of the Whitman Procrastinators Club, there is much to share, but perhaps for the 60th.

Crazy idea -- when early in the planning, Reunion organisers requested suggestions for how to celebrate our 50th, I considered suggesting someplace gorgeous in Greece. Kind of having both the bird in the hand and the two in the bush -- as Greece seems to be in the bucket-list of so many.

I'll be celebrating on Saturday, too -- but at a family wedding in a lovely mountain village overlooking a sparkling emerald sea. Festivities will last well into the next morning with great food and wine aplenty -- and jubilant dancing! So, despite time zone differences, it's very likely that we'll all be dancing at the same moment in time. A pleasant thought.

Again have a great time. Rock it up, rip it up! Shake, rattle and roll! Come together! Yes!

Barbara Mueller

Bob’s challenge to become a really true 69er !

A message from the President channeling Walt Whitman who turned 200 years old on May 31. The Class of 1969 celebrates it’s 50th year since graduation on June 12.

The Walt Whitman story

And Just Like That,

Was 50 Years Ago !

Get Back To Where You Once Belonged



   J u n e    12 ,   1 9 6 9    


S a y . . .    

 C   H   E   E   S   E




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Be warned that this website's content is extremely addictive and will cause low productivity at work and at home. It is recommended that you limit your daily use to no more then two to three hours per day. A warning sign would be if you find yourself constantly checking to see who else might have joined the site or who is currently online.

If you can not control yourself then make sure that you select, "Hide My Name" from the "WHO’S ONLINE NOW" feature to avoid exposing your addiction to other '69ers.

LIVE from Bethesda, Maryland

it’s...69ers LIVE @ the DOME!

Our Walt Whitman in 1969 - The Best Place!

TODAY (Yeah, I know, it's not our Whitman!)

Our Transcendental Quad

Our Black & White Quad

We are on our merry way to our next class!

WOW...Wilson Pickett and Marvelettes 1967.

Go Team, GO...

Our Old Testament - SAGA 1969





Mimi Fauquier(Murray) The Iconic Image 

  The Class of 1969 as a Singular Event Horizon:

Debra D. Aanenson Pyers Larry G Abell Vuka Achin Togberk Robert Ackerman James Adair Scott Adams David Agger Charlotte Aiken Sherry Allen Robin Allentuck Feinberg Alanson Anderson Cheri Anderson Loveless Robert Andrew Kathleen Annarella Lynne Annarella Kenneth Applebaum Stephen Arey Ivy Ash Belles Federico Astiz Paula Bacchus Roby Kathleen Bailey Atkinison Veronica Bailey Richard Baily James Baker Kathleen Barlow John Barse William Bartlett Veronica Barzelatto Michael Bass Laura Bassett Donald Beattie Linda Beaumariage Kathy Beck Charlotte Beckett Paul Bederson DDS Janet Beeker Stephen Bell Miguel Benatuil Margaret Bender Bulter Peter Bennett Elizabeth Berg Carl Bergmann William Bergmann Jonathan Bernstein Michael Bigger Linda Bille Jody Ellen Bindeman Allyson Birdsall Terry Trisha Darlene Bissell Richard Blackman Jennifer Blake William Bliss Thomas Board William Boardman Margaret E Bogardus Bruce M. Bowen Kevin C. Bowie Sheila A. Brady Guilherme E. Brandao Sandra Brauner Salazar Suzanne L. Brayer Linda Bredice Mathisen Gayle A. Brenchley Hellen Brereton Hopkins Catherine Briefs Schorn Dr. Judith E. Brill Robert H. Brinkmeyer David Broder Kevin Bronfin Gail Bronson Daniel Brooks William A. Brooks Vicki Brown Crawford William E. Brown Geoffrey Bryan Karen Buchanan Brown Linda R. Burgbacher Betty Burgess Christine Burgess Preston Susan Burk Dr. Robert D. Burk MD Dr Diane Burnside Gaede Charles B. Buscher Claudia Caffee DeLapp Gary Cahn William E Carlson Gail A. Carpenter Alan J. Carroll Alan J. Carry Ricardo E. Castro Leonard James. Cecil Maureen Cesaro Nicholas Chacos Janet Chandler Pickford Julie Chapin Bartram Thomas T. Chen Jefrey P. Christian Linda Cleaveland Barb William D. Clune Beverley Coakley Grubbs James J. Coghlan Steven M. Cohen Daniel J. Cokinos Chuck Cole Stephen Cole Susan Cole Booth Cathy Colquit Donaway Dr Jere Confrey Lynnie Cook William Cook Laurence B. Cope Kathleen Corbett David Cortright Donna Coston Scanlon Sue Councilor Peterson Michael Courlander Stevie Cowden Geraldine Craig Jonathan B. Craig Deborah M. Crannel Katherine Katie Crown Webster Kinee Culbertson Kaplan Janet Cullers Miller Joyce Cullers Greenway Janet Curtin Thomas Cutler Barbara Dahan Webb Susan Dale Westerman Cathy Dandy Kirda Ingrid Daniels Donna Darcey Newman Veralucia G. DaSilva Jeanie Davids Dwyer Martha Davis Sheryl Davis Hackman Danny Day Peter J. Day Wendy Day Johnson Patrick L. Deason Joseph S. Deebo Mark C. Delaplaine Douglas J. Delroy Ross W. Dembling Roger Denchfield Betsy Denell Frazier Nicholas Deoudes Daniel Devay Sandra Lynn Dick Chase Linda Dievendorf Jones Philippe A. Divine Eileen N. Dohm Simon J. Dolin Jennifer Donhauser Newby Hamilton S. Dorman Alan G. Dosik Janet C. Douglass Charles Doyle Lance E. Dublin Judith A. Dudley Deborah Dunham Stewart Jobie Duvall Devon Dworken Burak John H. Dwyer Roger Joseph. Eagan Chris Economides Jane Edlavitch Lewis Karen Ehrlich Eric R. Ehst Susan Ela Saunders Nancy E. Ellisor Karen Ellsworth Bergen Kenneth Elwyn Lynn Emerson Brownell Duane Erickson Karen Erlich Dworken Edwin H. Evans Patrica Evans Patricia R. Evans Robert L. Failor Paul L. Farrell Mimi Fauquier Murray Robyn Ferrian Scott Fey Mary Finch Lyn Fisher Cortright Carol. Theresa Flynn Craig C. Ford Betty Forrest Robinson Scott P. Foster Susan Foulger Alfandre Lawrence S. Fowler Gary N. Fox Mary Chris Fox Kristine Franck Anrold Frans Tripplaar Paul Freedman Greg Stuart Friedman Angie Fullmer O'Connell Paul Furnas Jane Galblum Haigh John M. Gallagher c/o Mrs. Mimi Gallagher Dianne Gallop Leland Gamson John D. Ganjei William M. Gannon Maria F. Garcia Douglas H. Gardiner Thomas W. Gardiner Howard S. Gartenhaus Robin Gasperow Van Riper Ona Gelman Bunce Robin B. Gerber Lisa Gessow Michelson Elizabeth Giese Dale Sara Ross Gilmer Valerie J. Gilpeer Kathleen Glew Galvin Mary L.K. Glober Melissa Goetz Mitchell Richard Gold Robin Gold Wayne R. Gold Lynn Goldberg Silverberg Laura Goldin Daniel W. Goldman Charles Goldwater Donna S. Gomien Thomas H. Gorey Barbara L. Gould Kathy Gould Renee Gould Parhizkar Robert Gould c/o Bain & Company Robin Gould Klein Julia M. Gram Robert A. Graves Dr. Barbara Green Palla MD Joel Green Philomena L. Green Paul E. Greenberg Marleen Greenfield Dr. Marian E. Greenspan Margot A. Gressman Nancy Gressman Rickets Peter Griffin Nancy J. Griffith Elaine Groves Schneider Kenneth M. Grunley Barbara Guth Norton Linda Gutheil Kallman Susan Hadler Robert C. Ham Robert C. Hamlin Andrew Hampton Elliott Hanin Jerome Blaine Harrell Richard P. Harris Richard T. Harris Richard L. Harwood Mark S. Hawthorne Deborah A. Heald Karen Henrickson Sothoron Douglas G. Henry Milton J. Herd Suzanne R. Herman Theresa Herndon McKenzie Carole Herson Martin Edward Herson Karen Hettinger Peter Partap S. Khalsa Hiestand Alfred C. Higgins James Hightower Pamela Hill Steven Hillhouse Noah Hirsch Elizabeth R. Hitz Nancy Hoberman Hart Shelley Hoddinott Carol Hodge Lee Barbara Hofberg James S. Hoffman Vivienne Hoffman Nancy John Ray Hoke Jr FAIA, Holbrook Rollings W. Scott Holland Thomas P. Holmes Peter F. Holzberg Janet Hom Biermann Marjorie Hoover MaryAnne Hoover Nicholas Horvath Edwin Huang Joan Hullinghorst Laurie Hundley William Hyder Francesca Iovine Sandy Isaacson Mudrick Pauline Jackson Robert R. Jacobs John Jacobson Petersen Jaegerman Dr. Howard.Ari Jaffe MD Pam Janicki Simmons Dr. Jill Jayson Ladd MD Lisa Johnston Howorth Dudley M. Jones John Robert Jones Kenneth C. Jones Peter L. Jones Elizabeth Jones-Dern Dern Julie Joyce Panaro Timothy D. Junkin James L. Kaler Robin Kaplan Paul Karadbil Mary. Katherine Dorris Frances Katz Kiejdan Sandra Katz Lemmon Carol Kaufman Kupperberg Kathy Keller Graves Kerry Kelley Joel Kemelhor Rod Kenner Margaret A. Keshishian Martha Kiefer Johnson Albert Killeri Richard A. King Robert M. King Deborah Kirk Edwin Kirk Huang Evelyn Kirkland Seema Kirmani Alice Kleeman Henry D. Klein Jonathan Klein Paul L. Klinedinst Diane Koff Fine Sharon Kohlenburg Ulrich Carol Kolb Hoffman William Kominers Vera Kramer Fraser Joan Kreimann Ecclesine Michelle Kreps Wolfman Simeon Kriesberg Karen Krouse Wetherholt Tristram Kruger DDS Karen Kuff Demicco John W. Kuipers Maria Labarca Janet Landay Jill Lawson Stein Chong Lee Faith Lee Breen Deborah Leff Robert M. Lehman Prudence T. Leib Virginia Karen Leitch Lamberger Joel Leivick Charles Leonard Warren J. Leonard Kenneth Levine Karen Lewis Carter Thomas Lewis Kuan H. Li Lauren Liebling James C. Liles Jan Lilienfield Weiss Nelson NOEL Lima Eric R. Lindstrom Olivier Long Robert B. Loring Lois Lourie Gurtman Joanne Love Bruce H. Lovelett Anne H. Lu Lynda L. Luig Trudy Luria Stephen Lyddane Margaret MacDonald Hutchison Georgine E. MacGarvey Jeff MacGillivray Jonathan L. Machta Molly Maginnis Tippe Pedro Magret Deborah Mallory Tarbutton Patricia Malone Wood Sally Maloney Evan M. Man Roberta Maness Allen Charles Marmor Debby Marney Mattingly William Marvin Scott A. Mason Sharon Mason Susan Matthews Freeburn Spencer Dudley M Mattingly Irene Macia Maturi Joan May Harden Walton E. McBride III Scott F. McCarthy Michael W. McCloskey Susan McDonald Wong Margaret McFarland Benton William E. McGowan Marcia E. McKimmie James A. McKinna Lynn E. McLeod William B. McWorkman Richard J. Melnick Mark Melnicove Sonia L. Mendell James M. Meyer James H. Meyersburg Janet Millenson James Miller Richard. Clinton Miller Robert L. Milto Richard D. Mitchell Sam M. Mollelo Stephen Mondello Carol Monroe Florance Catherine H. Monroe Christopher L. Montgomery Lucy Moore Wyatt Mark A. Moreland Ioanna Morfessis c/o Mike Morfessis Linda Morgal Cox Keith Morgan Esg Charlotte Morris Costa Robert H. Morris Martha Morton Fusaro Susan Moxley Sanford Barbara Mueller Kathy Mullet Morehead James Mundy Beverly Munves Labourdette Richard D. Murphy JoAnne Murray David W. Naden Larke Nahme Huang Helen Nardini Elizabeth C. Neher Bonnie L Neilson Kristin Neuschel Michael R. Newman James E. Nicholson Sharon A. Nicholson Dr Janet Kathleen Nicks Noles Jeanette North Thannikary Linda Norum Pringle Henry M. Obst Cathy Ochiltree Hass Lisa C. Oliviere Joan Orleans Smith Ronald Orleans James M. Orsinger Dean Osgood Marc Ostrom Terese M. Owens Brahlek Peter Paananen Deborah Paddon Robert J. Page Jr. Henry C. Palmer Bette J. Pappas Katherine Park Woolbert Diane Parnell Glenn Patterson Edward C. Pauley Michael M. Peizer Marc S. Perlmutter Dawn Perusse Robert L. Peskin Jean M. St. Peter Robert E. Pettis Shirley Petzal Beazer Claudine Pfeiffer Cremer Thomas Pharris Jean Phelps Rastall Eric W. Pierpoint Carol Pincus Tullman Leigh Pisner Andy Pollack Catherine Pollack Collier_Angel Georgia Pope Frank Popplewell Andrew J. Posey Garry Posin Andjalie E. Prahasto Cindy Pratt Helen N. Prescott Linda Price Doermann William F. Price George C. Pruner Janet Pusey Finucane James C. Pyle Gail Rabb Wheat H.Marc Rabin Richard L. Rader Adrienne Radulovic Steve Rales. c/o Danaher Corp Lori Raport Horowitz Ryder C. Ray Jeremy E. Reifsnyder Alice Nicole Reinhardt Jeffers Mark Reinstein Teresa Remein Kathryn A Rexrode Margarita S. Rey Stephen H. Rice Margo Rich Ogus Edmund Richard Cordtz William T. Richards Frederick A. Ritzenberg Gary Roberts Renee M Roberts Richard P Roberts Richard A. Roean Lucy Roedder Matthews William C. Rollins Jerry M. Rosenberg Ken Ross Linda Ross Cathy Roth High Nancy L. Rothschild Susan Rothwell Gurney Rick Rowan Deborah L Royce Felipe A. Rubia Joseph Ruedi Gerardo Ruiz de la Pena Cynthia Rummell Mark L Sabatke Anne Sager Muehe Cynthia Salmond Hogeman James T. Sampson Judy Samuelson Brandman Joan Santucci Ramo Gary Sarsfield Miriam Scheiber Seidel Richard A. Schendell Dean M. Scherr Debbie Schifter Schiffmann Jennifer Schmertz Iliza Bill Schmidt Jo H. Schneiderman Greg B. Schriver Patti-lou Schultz Linda D. Schumacher Schumacher Sandra Schwartz Allison Scott Peter D. Scott Priscilla Scott Zena Scott Ruth. Judie Seal Katherine Seavey Bryant Robert P. Sedgwick Eqs Barry Segal Margaret Seiferth Catherine Shaffer Gjerdingen Arlene Shapiro Beth Shapiro Susan Sharp Judith R. Sheintal Steven Sheriff Susan Sherrick McQuaid Ronnie Shoemaker Bennett Carol Shore Cynthia O. Shryock Blank Nanci Shuman Wohl Lynne Siegel Jane Silberman Leon J. Silberman Richard Silbert Mark E. Sillcox Kay Simpson Karen Sims Langden Barry S. Sirkis c/o Lisa & John Thompson Peter Rolf Siverson James E. Slack Linda Slater Barnes Laurie Smiler Grozbean Judith Smith Nancy S. Smith Rose Smith Holik Maxmillian A. Smits Deborah A. Snow Donald J. Sobel Barbara B. Solomon Jeff Southmayd Kevin G. Spaner Liz Spangler Leslie Sparks Trott Laura Speaker Seger Nancy Spruill M. Leila Srour Joyce M. Staebler Ann Stanley Leonard Donna Starbard Perry Barbara Steele Cole Victoria Steiner Melvin Stephens Roger E. Stevens Lyn F. Stevenson Jonathan L. Sulkin Ann Sullivan Theiler Margaret Swain Donald J. Swanson Sandra Swartz Isbifter Jeff Sweeney Barbara Sweetser Frederick Deborah Swisher Ludwig Robin B. Tackels Bill Talbert Sharon Tastet Holdren Catherine H. Taylor Jefferey S. Thomas Barbara Thrasher David W. Tift Wilson M. Tims Barbara D. Tollis Cindy Trevarrow Kathy Trout Horvath Adrienne Trussell Scott Scott M. Tryon Deborah L. Turnbull Mark R. Turner Bruce D. Twaddell Reuven Uberman Douglass W. Ullman Charles L. Ulrich Charles N. Vance Ellen Vartanoff Martin W. Vincent Lynne Vogel Baronoff Gerald Wacks Alexis C. Wadsworth Robert A. Wagg Larry Wagman Ellen Waks Bonnie Walker Chirigos Richard Wallace Helen Walls Terence M. Walsh Whitman Walt Kathryn J. Ward Mike (James M.) Warren Patricia Warren Patricia A. Waugaman Marilyn Weaver Fox Scott Weaver Polly Webb Rogers Guy Webster Robert Weiler Diane Weiner Fry Randall B. Weiss Helene R. Weisz Melissa Wheeler Robert P. Wheeler Deborah M. White Ross A. White Marcia Whitehead Cole Catherine A. Whiteman Frederick J. Wieker Joshua L. Wiener John M. Wilkinson MD Gilbert Judd Williams Linda Williams Cox Lynn Williams Jensen J. Stockton Williams Jr Gail Willner Chapman William J. Willson Carol E. Wilson Mark R. Wilson Peter Winkler Stuart Winokur Susan C. Witt Edward K. Woltz Alice Wood Griffin Barry E. Wood Deborah J. Wood Annette Woodhams Gorey Barbara Wooton Moraz Earl Wright John L. Wright Keith D. Wyatt Randall Wynne Tai Yamanaka Margaret H. Yarnell Brenda Yost Ellowitz Glenn M. Younes Catherine Young Cann Istok Zagar Joyce G. Zielinski Thomas Zitver Deceased Classmates John L. Baker Janet Bregman Taney Richard Cordtz Phillip A. Dietrick Bernard W. Frese III Daniel Fuchs Karin Fuller Capanna Nancy Goodhue Lynch Carol A Hamilton Alice C. Hersh Dale Howard Sipes Naomi Katz Stewart Montis Klepper Stephen B. Krumm Mona Law Pederson Karen E. Loube David Phillips Arthur Pinkus R. Blair Richards Jr. Steven Robinson Douglas C. Rummell Stanley Selis Elizabeth Shaffer Mark W. Smith Ron E. Talkington Clay Ward Farrell J. Wolfson...

Contact Us ~


~The Class of 1969 ~








What Happened in 1969?

The Moon Landing for starters.








The '69er's Pictures from 1969

"A Walk Down Memory Lane"



"Those were the Days of 1969"

Linda Beaumariage                             Kathy Trout

Allison Birdsall      Nancy Spruill          Lisa Johnston       Donna Darcey

Source: The Amazing Jeff Southmayd


After canvassing for the food drive!

Steve Arey, Jere Confrey, Tom Gorey, Lisa Johnston, and Alan Carry.

Fred Ritzenberg

Debbie Royce getting the Bad News!


 Annette Woodhams (Gorey) and Tom Gorey at Great Falls, circa 1970-71

Between Classes - The Little Wet Chit Chat..

Donna, Nancy, and Barbara

This picture was taken immediately following the infamous false fire alarm incident our junior year (before Nancy and I started dating) during a thunderstorm when we all had to exit the buildings in the rain. Donna and Nancy are soaked, but Sweetser somehow managed to avoid getting drenched and mussing her hair (no surprise there). I recall the experience because for some reason I ended up drying off at the President for Life's house with a couple other people.

Reported by Jeff Southmayd  

Graduation practice with Diane Parnell, Polly Webb, Mimi Fauquier, Betty Forrest

'69er ladies cruising at the beach: Barbara Sweetser, Nancy Spruill, Allyson Birdsall, Kathy Trout at the wheel, Linda Beaumariage, and Lisa Johnston.

 The Lynettes bring the Motown sound to Whitman with their rendition of "You Can't Hurry Love" (Year Book 10th grade, pg.33, 1967). They opened the Talent Show!

Tom Gorey's Hair, Bed and Car!

Scottie and Donna

Dean M. Scherr


Barbara Sweetser @ the Prom.

Robin Allentuck on Graduation Day.

Go Team, says Betty Forrest.

 Danny Cokinos and Linda Williams at the Inauguration of President Nixon, January 20, 1969.


 Dawn Perusse and brother Cliff on his motorcycle from SF to Disneyland when in 1970?

Don Beattie in "Whatever Happened to My Pants"


Book Club at Barbara Sweetser's house. Left to Right: Carl Bergmann, Jeff Southmayd on the floor, ?, Jim Mundy, ?, Lisa Johnston, Craig Ford, and Barbara Sweetser. BTW, they are drinking Tab.

H a p p y   D a y s !

Calm Down!

 Nancy Spruill and Jeff Southmayd Ocean City, summer 1968. It would be the same picture spring of 2009, according to Jeff.


Channeling my inner Keith Richards with our President for Life, Lisa Johnston (Howorth) says James E. Nicholson.

Are we having FUN, yet?



Steve blowing his trombone

The 1969 Safety Club

I feel much safer now  

     Ó ð i n n   



And In The End 

The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make

consummatum est