In Memory

Duane Erickson

Duane Erickson

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06/19/24 10:32 AM #1    

Lisa Johnston (Howorth (Class President))

I'm sad to hear this, and that Duane had suffered from ALS. He was a sweet, funny guy. My condolences to his friends and family. Lisa J. 

06/19/24 11:04 AM #2    

Frank Popplewell

SO sorry to hear about Duane's passing.  I won't be able to attend the service but will be with you all in spirit.

Frank Popplewell

06/19/24 12:11 PM #3    

Annette Woodhams (Gorey)

I'm so sorry to hear that Duane passed from ALS. You may recall that our classmate Evie Kirkland Smith also died from it in 2017. A very cruel disease.

06/19/24 05:56 PM #4    

Victoria Brown (Crawford)

I am so sorry to hear of Duane's passing and that he had ALS. I have such fond memories of him throughout early and high school years. Remember him as very kind and thoughtful. Peace and comfort to his friends and family. 

06/19/24 11:01 PM #5    

Tom Gorey

So sorry to hear about Duane.  Good memories of outside school hijinks and back-and-forth at the Whitman lunch table.

06/20/24 12:58 PM #6    

Paul Bederson Dds

Duane was also in my dental school class of 1979 at University of Maryland. I saw him at meetings and looked forward to meet up. He always singled me out to say hello. He was very generous with clinical recommendations and I appreciated his down to earth nature. I'll think of him often.

06/23/24 11:07 AM #7    

Richard Blackman (Blackman)

Duano, what I called him.  When with fellow Whitman Geezers, Bill Rollins and Milt Herd, we just referred to him as Doc.  Duane was a best friend.

Duane was a “giving person”, not a taker.

My wife Elaine said about him: He was a people person through and through, always smiling and sincere. Duane was always humming in his orthodontry chair.

We made an odd looking pair.  Me at 5’4, Duane a foot taller. Lots of gawks, but it seemed to work

My first memory is sharing a class in Mr Geiger's (Geiger counter) physics class at Whitman. Geiger had no clue

We lived in the same dorm complex at the University of Maryland and we played fierce games of ping pong almost every night.  Always fun.  Because of that experience, I won the complex ping pong tournament as a junior. We lost touch after college, when Duane went off to the Navy and trained as a dentist.  We reunited at a Whitman Reunion. 

We ran our first 5K race together, our first 10K, our first 10-miler and first triathlon together. And lots of races after that

Clydes 10K was our favorite.  They had some monster hills, but we loved it cause they had the best post-race food.  We got up at the crack of dawn many a time for a race.  One memorable Clydes race, we were in a crowd of about 10,000 runners waiting for the race to start.  Some young guy turns to Duane and asks if he’d take a picture for him and  his friend.  I looked at the guy and in a bizarre coincidence, he was the guy who just moved in with my daughter. They’ve now been married for 8 years. We were picking up our packets for a 5-mile race at U.Md years later and there was a giant line at the ticket office.  We asked what the line was for. Someone said, to see Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.  I had never heard of them.  Duane let me know that was Led Zeppelin. He was a big fan.  

We biked our first metric century together, hauling ourselves down to Salisbury in his new camper.  4am we woke to roosters crowing. But we finished the ride. The next year we rode our first full century and a bunch more after that. I always busted my butt training for the runs or the rides.  Duane seemed to just do it.

  On a totally different plane, one year we got season tickets with our wives to the Baltimore Opera. Kind of out of character, but it was a treat. None of my other friends would have done that with me. 

   Then there were the Whitman basketball or football games followed by a meal at a favorite afghan restaurant in Bethesda, Faryab with '69er  buds Bill and Milt.  Auschak was Duane’s favorite dish. Sadly, Faryab closed.  I do remember going to the football game where Gary Brown was honored. 

     Probably our all-time favorite pastime was the 10+ years we went to the Sherwood Rock and Roll Revival.  We’d walk into the Sherwood lobby and every other person would say Hi to Duane.  He seemed to have fixed everybody’s teeth. We loved the show and the last show we attended was this past March. He could only briefly lift his head up to see the show, but was tapping his feet and thoroughly enjoying.

     Duane was a truly positive force of energy and kindness.  He made the lives of those around him better.  I’ll miss his humor, giving nature and his sense of adventure. Duane was a best friend. 

06/24/24 10:13 AM #8    

H. Mark Rabin







So sorry to learn about Duane, his battle with ALS and his passing. My love  and condolences to Marina and family. 

Duane was a casual friend of mine at WW and I  remember that Duane was Mr friendly to everyone as well as being a natural at golf  We were out of touch throughout  college days but we reconnected thereafter when we were both displaced to Baltimore to attend our respective graduate school studies

  Duane was in a program thru the US Navy that provided the costs of dental school  education at University of Md  and required a 4year commitment to Naval service after he graduated. At the same time, I was beginning law school studies in Baltimore  We teamed up as roommates and proceeded to live in some "interesting" neighborhoods  We ended finding a renovated brownstone in Bolton Hill which we both loved
We were super compatible roomies and were able to have great times and great parties as we both navigated our studies. We were both of limited means and so many evenings we would dine on a double box of Krafts macaroni and cheese. Spluring occasionally on some chicken or burgers. But we did find ways to fund our bar tabs at the local haunts 

Great memories of some road trips we took including trips to Florida during school breaks  Duane was so resourceful that he proceeded to singlehandedly replace the cam shaft on his Toyota on the shoulder of the highway when we broke down in Timbuktu Florida    My highest and best assistance was to hand him tools as he requested  

 My wife and I had the pleasure of attending his wedding to his amazing wife,Marina  

After Duane returned from his Navy duties, we kept in touch but the frequency of our communications faded as we dove into work and family  We would occasionally cross paths over the years including hikes with our families at sugarloaf  mountain   

I was so fortunate to have shared those times with Duane There are no platitudes that sufficiently describe my respect, admiration and love for Duane   There is no doubt in my mind that he lived an exemplary life showering his affectionate style on both family, patients and friends   


Rest in peace my dear friend  Your legacy and friendship will never be forgotten 












06/24/24 03:53 PM #9    

Richard Blackman (Blackman)

Close friends, Duane, Milt Herd, Bill Rollins and me at Faryab, our favorite restaurant, after some Whitman event.

Duane and me at my kid's Bar Mitzvah a long time ago. He was always having fun.



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